Natal Chart Analysis


A natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born. Your natal chart gives clues to your major life lessons, shows your destiny, reveals your personality traits and hidden desires, as well as points the way to your soul’s purpose.



60 minutes $125

A natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born. Your natal chart gives clues to your major life lessons, shows your destiny, reveals your personality traits and hidden desires, as well as points the way to your soul’s purpose.

The world is made of energy, each moment leaving an energetic impression that creates time. The moment that you were born a snap shot of energy was poured out.

By understanding our own energies and blockages through natal chart analysis, we find grounding in our true authentic self with empowerment to move forward as the best version of ourselves.

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Length of Session

60 minutes, 90 minutes