I ching


The I ching is a divination tool and point of path based on the Tao.  I Ching is an ancient, sophisticated divination tool used by the Chinese to predict the pattern of events which will govern and shape our destiny.


30 minutes $60

The I ching is a divination tool and point of path based on the Tao.  I Ching is an ancient, sophisticated divination tool used by the Chinese to predict the pattern of events which will govern and shape our destiny. Three coins are cast a series of six times to create a hexagram, a point of path, and the future’s foretelling.  Some throws are in motion and can lead to another hexagram, other throws are fixed and will only create one interpretation. The Tao is a 3,000 year old text and advises from the position of energy movement and flow. 

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Length of Session

60 minutes, 90 minutes