Ya’ll, Spirit sent me to Iowa! 

After finishing our final retreat of 2024 on Tybee Island, I set out on a deeply personal journey to expand my own practices. Months prior, I had begun researching retreats that resonated with my spirit and intentions. Predictably, I leaned toward destinations with...

My Moon Mermaid

Painting by the beautiful and oh-so-talented, Kara Adoff. I have a story to tell you. This story is about a piece of art that I stored in my attic for 20 years. This story is about a piece of art that hung in my Grandfather’s office before it came into my possession....

Embrace Self-Love: Spiritual Practices for Valentine’s Day

As Valentine’s Day approaches, the air becomes filled with notions of romance and love. While celebrating love with others is beautiful, it’s equally important to nurture the most important relationship in your life – the one with yourself. This...