Enchantment means so much more to me now.
On the full moon in January, I attended a sound bath with the Tybee town mystic. After I made my nest on the floor with all my comfy stuff (blankets, pillows, slippers, masks, you name it – I bring it – I’m kinda creaky) the journey began. I like to feel I am being guided into the “portal”. The portal is a space where I disconnect from my physical attachments and allow my thoughts to flow freely without judgement.
Soon, I had the sensation that I was holding a little girl. I was cradling her as if I was her mother. I realized this little girl in my mind’s eye was me. Tears began to fall, calmly, a necessity. I told her I would always love her, take care of her & protect her from harm. I have the power and the knowledge to protect myself and the little girl that still lives inside of me. It was a fleeting and poignant moment that I hope to never forget. The capacity that I have to love and take care of others needs to be bestowed upon myself.
The old narrative now goes: Once upon a time, a middle-aged woman opened her capacity to understand, met her inner-child and held her close in true enchantment.
And she lived happily ever after
*This particular sound bath was led by Jacilyn @windoverheaven. She uses singing bowls, chimes, and other instruments. She seems to float around like a fairy who dispenses lovely smelling oils from her wings.